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Atrani perla della divina costiera - eventi, spettacoli, arte, cultura, turismo, sport, associazioni, ecc.

'Spells', a summer of music and theater in Atrani and Scale

‘Incantesimi’, un’estate di musica e teatro fra Atrani e Scala

It was published yesterday in the Official Bulletin of the Campania Region The list of eligible project proposals of European funding for the CAP Campania – Further promotional Heritage and Cultural Sites of Campania in line with the enhancement of actions taken with the implementation of Objective Operational 1.9 ROP Campania ERDF 2007-2013.

Among the winning projects is that of the town of Scala, in partnership with Atrani, “Art Settings spells with music, theater and suggestions”, financed for about 250 thousand Euros, whose primary purpose is to promote the knowledge and use of their assets through the enhancement and restoration of the Purgatory Crypt inside the Cathedral of San Lorenzo.

The project aims to achieve two broad objectives: la riscoperta del patrimonio, thanks to enhancement and recovery actions, e quella del territorio, through the proposal of shows and tourist routes in the two municipalities, among the most beautiful and rich history of the entire Amalfi Coast.

The manifestation, now in its second edition, involve the places and stories of another pearl of Divine, the City of Atrani, in the logic of creating a profitable synergy between the two realities of the tiny territory, shared the same artistic value, historical and cultural.

Big names in the world of theater and music will enliven the summer evenings of the two villages, definitely attracting a large number of visitors: Giorgio Albertazzi, Federico Salvatore, Peppe Lanzetta and I unmade beds, Toto Comic Tour (Rosario Green, Guadagno and Nataly Eduardo Colindres ), The Big Jazz Theory, Francesca Marini, Simone Schettino, David Ferri and The Loving.

A complete calendar, enriching it with magic and suggestions, a long series of guided tours in the most beautiful of the two villages (Grotto of Masaniello, S Church. Salvatore’ Birecto, Sant'eustachio, Cathedral of San Lorenzo etc.) that will allow visitors to learn about the myths, legends and beauty of our territory.

"Once again it has been awarded the design capacity of Scala that continues to differentiate itself for occasions that in recent years has been able to seizespiega il sindaco Luigi MansiThe second edition of Spells, following the success of last year, It will offer the opportunity to discover many of Scala in its most beautiful corners thanks to exceptional testimonial: the artists of our Campania. Once again this event will be able to create incoming and led to the town's tourist economy. E quest’anno è gradito più che mai il coinvolgimento di Atrani».

«Siamo molto contenti di poter offrire a visitatori e non un cartellone di eventi del genererilancia il Sindaco di AtraniLuciano de Rosa Laderchiche mette assieme due delle realtà più antiche della Costa d’Amalfi in un progetto di valorizzazione e riscoperta delle potenzialità del territorio e ribadisce, ancora una volta, l’importanza della sinergia e della collaborazione per ottenere risultati importanti. La creazione di un itinerario fra i comuni di Scala e Atrani rispecchia oltretutto un dato di tipo naturale e storico: i due borghi hanno infatti contribuito a rendere grande e potente la Repubblica di Amalfi e sono uniti dal Vallone del Dragone. Per Atrani questa sarà un’estate da protagonistaconclude soddisfatto il primo cittadinoche la vedrà coinvolta anche nel progetto del Capodanno Bizantino con il Comune di Amalfi e in altre iniziative che contribuiranno ad amplificarne la visibilità, promuovendo il turismo d’arte».

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